Tuesday, July 29, 2008

יב מִכָּל-צֹרְרַי הָיִיתִי חֶרְפָּה, וְלִשְׁכֵנַי מְאֹד-- וּפַחַד לִמְיֻדָּעָי:רֹאַי בַּחוּץ-- נָדְדוּ מִמֶּנִּי.

Because of all mine adversaries I am become a reproach, yea, unto my neighbours exceedingly, and a dread to mine acquaintance; they that see me without flee from me. (Psalm 31:11)

Emerging from, through, out of...
the whole, totality, each-and-every...
of my constraints, distress, boundedness...
has come, been established, continued..
Scorn, shame, contempt, humiliation...
Specifically, in particular, strongly...
by those with whom I abide, live, work;
I am fearful, intimitating, unnerving...
to those who know, learn, perceive;
Those who see, regard, observe, give attention...
to the outside, outward appearance, exterior...
Depart, are chased away, retreat.

The psalms are full of adversaries -tsarar - which is to be bound, constrained, besieged. The tsarar in my life are more often self-created.

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