Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The following is not a translation. It is a personally meaningful interpretation of Psalm 31.

I take refuge in reality, the ultimate reality of God. Keep me, O God, from confusion within the totality of your nature.

Listen to me. Save me. Tear me away from illusion. Strip me of delusions. Take me. Now! You are a place of refuge and source of strength lead me in your purpose and intention. Yank me from the hidden traps with your strength.

On your strength I depend. You save me with your truth and reality. I hate the illusion of self-assertion. I am confident in God’s reality. I tremble and shout with joy, overwhelmed by God’s attention and care. Reality does not constrain. Reality is expansive.

I am exhausted by my delusions and frustrations. Restore me to your reality. I am overcome with grief as my time slips away and my strength is consumed in distortions. From this distress has emerged self-doubt and those who know me are chased away. I am forgotten, lost, and useless. I listen and look but all is twisted and dark and my life seems to slip away.

But I am confident in your strength and power. You are my reality. My life is yours. Snatch me away from this confusion. Turn toward me with your light, bring me into your Love. Do not delay to bring me into your reality. May the darkness be lifted. May my self-deception and pride be ended.

What great joy you have stored away for those who turn toward you. As we turn toward one another I am freed from controversy and slander. I stand before the source of all becoming: extraordinary, embracing love.

I feared your call, but you heard and answered my call. How I love you! Prepare me to fulfill the potential you created in me. Encourage and strengthen my remaining in your reality.

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