Friday, August 8, 2008

כב בָּרוּךְ יְהוָה: כִּי הִפְלִיא חַסְדּוֹ לִי, בְּעִיר מָצוֹר

Blessed be the Lord; for He hath shown me His wondrous lovingkindness in an entrenched city. (Psalm 31:21)

Praise, adore, kneel...
That which exists, becoming, past-present-future...
Marvellous, wonderful, extraordinary...
Goodness, kindness, faithfulness...
Enclosed, besieged, confined...
A camel kneeling to drink water is the same Hebrew we translate as blessed.

The Hebrew for wondrous - pala' - can also mean very difficult.

I drink deeply from the source of all becoming, extraordinary embracing love.

Above is from Les Belles Heures.

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